Go to the File menu and select Save for Publishing.Select Import your entire book, including the cover.Choose your book layout (orientation, page display, etc.) and click Continue.Select the folder you created on your desktop and click Continue.Enter your book details (title, author, publisher, language, etc.).

This will give you a feel of what creating a book will be like.
If your book is in Word, save it as a PDF before using Kindle Kid's Book Creator.ĮBooks created with Kindle Kids' Book Creator work on all Fire tablets, Fire phone, Kindle for iPad, Kindle for iPhone, and Kindle Android apps. Kindle Kids’ Book Creator makes it easy for authors and publishers to import artwork, add text to pages, and preview how their book will look on Kindle devices. You can import a file from PDF, JPG, TIFF, PNG, or PPM formats. Kindle Kids’ Book Creator is a free tool for authors and publishers to turn their illustrated children’s books into great-looking Kindle books. Create custom albums to preserve memories for many years to come. A picture book maker with limitless creativity.
Revisit your project anytime in the future to update it, resize it, or remix the design. Kindle Kids Book Creator v1.0 for Intel Mac (OSX 10.9 or later) Save your completed photo book right to your device. Kindle Kids Book Creator v1.0 for Windows (7 or later) Practice creating a book and exporting it as a PDF to Google Drive or. Preview how your books look on Kindle devices before publishing. Download the free Book Creator app on an iPad.Make changes to books you previously created and published through KDP.You can also import and convert PDF files. Import illustrations in JPG, PNG, TIFF, and BPP.Create eBooks with file sizes of up to 650 MB.Add pages and text to imported PDF files.

Visit the Kindle Kid’s Book Creator product page for more information. The tool exports the finished book to a MOBI file, which isn't supported for paperback publishing. Note: Kindle Kids' Book Creator Kindle Comic Creator is intended for eBooks only.
For detailed instructions on Kindle Kids' Book Creator, see the user guide. The full version allows you to create unlimited books and access comic templates, with no in-app purchases. The tool has features unique to Kindle devices and apps like text pop-ups (for illustrated kid's books). Kindle Kids' Book Creator is a downloadable tool that helps you create illustrated children's books.